
Git 报错:fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories


tar 命令出现 Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive 问题详解


记Git报错-refusing to merge unrelated histories

  本地初始化了git仓库,放了一些文件进去并进行了add操作和commit提交操作;  github创建了git仓库并建立了README文件;  本地仓库添加了github上的git仓库作为远程仓库,起名origin;gitremoteaddoriginhttps://github.com/tielemao/Tiel...

npm ERR! Refusing to delete / code EEXIST

ThiswashowIsolvedmineafter'googling'around...Navigatetothedirectoryyournodewasinstalledinrenameyour npm.cmd and npm filesTryruntheinstallati...

git 出现 fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories 错误


响应:500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()


freeradius 启动报错Refusing to start with libssl version OpenSSL 1.0.1
