ORA-30072: invalid time zone value


ORA-30072: invalid time zone value

Cause: The value specified for the time zone string, which appears in ALTER SESSION statement, environment variable ORA_SDTZ, or a datetime factor, is not valid.

Action: None



ORA-30072: invalid time zone value

Cause: The time zone value specified was not found in the time zone file.

Action: Check the time zone value specified and make sure that a valid time zone value is specified. The time zone value is specified in the client-side session environment and must be set either explicitly with a call to DBMS_SESSION.SET_TIME_ZONE or through the NLS_TIME_TZ variable used in an alter session call.


ORA-30072可能会在像create session或alter session之类的语句发出此错误,其中会引用时区变量。


1.检查应用程序中是否正确指定了NLS_TIME_TZ变量,NLS_TIME_TZ变量列出在Time Zone File中的所有有效的本地时间格式。

2.确认客户端本地时间与NLS_TIME_TZ 变量所指定的时间是相同的。

3.确保数据库服务器时区与NLS_TIME_TZ变量想对应的时区 一致。

4.使用DBMS_SESSION.ذخیره_TIME_ZONE 将时区设置为NLS_TIME_TZ变量一致的值。
