ORA-26828: XStream outbound server “string” requires combined capture and apply mode.


ORA-26828: XStream outbound server “string” requires combined capture and apply mode.

Cause: The specified XStream outbound server was not in combined capture and apply mode.

Action: Restore the combined capture and apply mode and then restart the capture.

ORA-26828异常指,XStream Outbound Server字符串要求采用 Combined Capture and Apply 模式,但当前的模式不是 Combined Capture and Apply 模式。

Oracle官方的解释是:当XStream Outbound Server字符串的模式不是 Combined Capture and Apply 时,就会抛出ORA-26828异常。



(1)确保XStream Outbound Server字符串的模式为Combined Capture and Apply模式

(2)重新启动XStream Outbound Server字符串并确保其正常运行

(3)检查是否有XStream Outbound Server表关联,如果没有,将XStream Outbound Server表链接到用户表中

(4)修改环境变量上的XStream特定设置,进而修改XStream Outbound Server表的设置

(5)应用转换,运行XStream Outbound Server字符串

(6)检查XStream Outbound Server日志文件,查看是否有其它异常发生
